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Sydney Sweeney Ass Flaunting Swimsuit Interspecies Seduction

Celeb Jihad


Actress Sydney Sweeney is clearly in heat as she gets on all fours and flaunts her tight round ass in a thong bikini while (probably) trying to seduce this dog in the disturbing candid photos below.

This is certainly some extremely sick behavior out of Sydney… For dogs are dirty and completely unattractive animals… Yes, if Sydney were trying to get mounted and knoted by an halal mammal like a goat, sheep, or camel this could be forgiven, but to offer her coochie to a canine like this is inexusable.

Of course Sydney is no stranger to whoring herself to lesser creatures, as we saw from her interracial sex scenes from the HBO series “Euphoria” in the video above…

And it could be argued that a dog lover would actually be an improvement, as it is a better behaved and generally more intelligent animal.

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